Minor in Indian Heritage: Art and Architecture

Minor in Indian Heritage: Art and Architecture

India is widely known for its diversity in heritage which is a testimony to a vibrant cultural tradition. Indian heritage sites reflect the socio-political, economic and cultural traditions over long periods of history. Not surprisingly, we can find substantial variations in the art forms and styles which bear the influence of external and internal factors. Such sites serve as a pathway for the different stages and events that took place in Indian civilization and portray a sense of identity that is closely linked to the country.

The Indian Heritage: Art and Architecture programme seeks to introduce students to the significance of Indian heritage. The programme will provide exposure at various levels starting from pre-historic artefacts and the Indus civilization. They will be introduced to different art and architectural forms such as stupas, rock-cut cave complexes and temples; iconography and narrative literature will be studied through paintings and sculptures which will give them deeper insights about the heritage monument. To understand India’s relations with other countries, selected important sites from Asia will also be studied in the context of commerce and politics through the depiction of various styles and motifs.


Eligibility: HSC or equivalent


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Key Information


This programme will be taught with a blend of lectures, class discussions and field trips whenever possible. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the meaning of the various forms and their evolution; students will also engage with the site in ways that reveal its context from the perspectives of history, geography, economics and culture.


Semester I Semester II
Introduction to Ancient Indian Art & Architecture Rock-cut Architecture of Ancient India
Semester III Semester IV
Ancient Indian Paintings and Sculptures Monuments of India and Asia


The Centre for Buddhist Studies has led the field in innovative curriculum design that addresses the learning needs of students who can engage full time, as well as those who pursue their passion part-time, at their own pace. The faculty have diverse specialisations, which is reflected in the syllabus.

  • Innovative Curriculum

    This programme allows students to engage at various levels, from an interest in culture and artefacts to studying the developments in ways that reveal how ideas were transmitted and how culture evolves through multiple influences.

  • Developing Key Skills

    The Indian Heritage: Art and Architecture programme will equip students with skills to engage with sites of antiquity wherever they may be; they will be able to look for and identify key markers of the site that reveal its context. In the process, students will become informed ambassadors of our cultural heritage.

  • Library Collection

    The K J Somaiya Institute of Dharma Studies has a library with over 30,000 books, which is an important resource.

  • Seminars, Workshops and Field Trips

    In order to get deeper insight into the subject and to make the teaching learning process more interesting, various workshops will be organised from time to time. Students can also attend seminars, workshops and field trips that are offered by the institution across the various disciplines. This creates opportunities of learning beyond the classroom and permits interaction with students pursuing different interests: this is a key feature of the learning experience on our campus.

Programme Outcomes

At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
  • Understand the defining features of art and architecture of different periods in ancient Indian history.
  • Relate the developments to the larger context in terms of history, cultural influences and patronage.
  • Relate to any heritage site equipped with tools that will help her ask informed questions that will reveal the site in its full detail.

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