Minor in Narrative Literature

Minor in Narrative Literature

Stories have had a powerful impact on culture in all societies and played a critical role in shaping how a community views the world and one’s role in that world. Stories are used in all culture to guide appropriate conduct, while also serving as vehicles of creative outpouring that brings forth some of the most deeply held fears, anxieties and fantasies. The narrative literature of a people also serves as their collective memory and helps create a sense of identity and belonging. This programme looks at exploring narratives and the layers of their development. While appreciating the beauty of the theme and symbolic representation it also aims at examining cultural influences on the narratives and its various versions.  
The programme will be offered in modular format, with each semester comprising an independent module. Students can opt to do the programme in the following ways:
Any one Module: 5 credits, for a Certificate 
Any two modules: 10 credits, for a Diploma
Any three modules: 15 credits, for an Advanced Diploma 
All 4 modules: 20 credits, Minors Degree


Eligibility: HSC or equivalent


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Key Information


The course will be taught in interactive mode with narrations, discussions and deliberations. Students will be guided through literary appreciation and the different layers at which stories speak to the listener. They will be encouraged to reflect on how narrative literature inspires us and shapes our collective identity, our beliefs and our prejudices. They will discuss the relevance of these stories today and try to identify the new narratives being created in modern times that will shape our tomorrow.


Semester I Semester II
Narratives: Bridging Cultures Narratives and Art
Semester III Semester IV
Tales of the Supernatural Birth Stories


The Centre for Buddhist Studies has led the field in innovative curriculum design that addresses the learning needs of students who can engage full time, as well as those who pursue their passion part-time, at their own pace. The faculty have diverse specialisations, which is reflected in the syllabus.

  • Innovative Curriculum

    This programme will look at narrative literature through a different lens in each semester, taking students through processes of transmission and adaptations of stories, in different cultures, the art they have inspired, the supernatural beings that people our literature and the dramatic stories that record the births of great men.

  • Developing Key Skills

    The Programme in Narrative Literature aims at developing a better understanding of our culture and literature. It will mainly develop the skill of critical appreciation of symbolic representations. The teaching and learning process will equip students with skills like exploration, interpretation and critical thinking.

  • Library Collection

    The K J Somaiya Institute of Dharma Studies has a library with over 30,000 books, which is an important resource.

  • Seminars, Workshops and Field Trips

    In order to get deeper insight into the subject and to make the teaching learning process more interesting, various workshops will be organised from time to time. Students can also attend seminars, workshops and field trips that are offered by the institution across the various disciplines. This creates opportunities of learning beyond the classroom and permits interaction with students pursuing different interests: this is a key feature of the learning experience on our campus.

Programme Outcomes

At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to
  • Appreciate how narrative literature plays an important role in underpinning culture across the country.
  • Appreciate art as a tool to connect with the past and to analyse allegories.
  • Understand how cultural beliefs mould literature and in turn impact the social behaviour of generations.
  • Appreciate the interconnections between mythology, symbolism, narratives and art.

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